Wednesday, 4 November 2009

rain, rain, go away!

So much for the cold, bright start to November: it's bucketing it down today! Not to worry, I've already had two giggles, the first being a lady who stood outside the shop and announced in a broad Yorkshire accent "Love the Lakes? Love the Lakes (louder)? What's to love about the Lakes?" Charming!
The second was an expectant mother who was interested in the children's clocks and mirrors. "Would you be able to exchange a mirror if the baby turned out to be the opposite sex?" "Certainly" I replied. "Are you keeping it a surprise?" "No" was the answer "I just don't trust the 3 scans I've had!" Apparently the scans showed this lady was having a girl but, in the end, she chose a Dinosaur mirror.................

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as if working in your shop is a laugh a minute Louise :-) Some good material for an entertaining book there. Although I must say, the first comment could well have come from my husband! :-(
    BTW. It's a beautiful cold, sunny day here in the east midlands.
