Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Mystery solved

OK, I now realise that our mystery celeb was not Dawn Steele but Natalie Robb - an easy mistake to make (dark hair, Scottish). She wasn't actually in Wild at Heart - blame Mel for that one. You can tell we have time on our hands at the moment: googling of potential celebs, random mopping of floors etc. We've also moved all the stock to new locations in the main shop (that's the royal "we" as actually Jules has done it all) and next week we'll be repainting all the shelves and emulsioning some of the walls. Sean had more exciting plans for today: a foray up to the Old Man with Casper was in the offing. A pile of extreme weather gear, ice pick and flasks of coffee were all loaded into the Jeep first thing and off they went leaving number 2 dog whining and pining and generally looking for mischief (a large terracotta patio pot bit the dust today). However, an hour later they returned, beaten back by the snow and doomed to a day of domestic chores (Sean, not Casper). Ah well, tomorrow's another day and methinks it will take more than a bit of snow to stop Sean and Casper venturing out again.....especially as I've got another list of jobs waiting to be done.

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