Monday, 1 February 2010

The Elements

I am determined to get back on my bike a bit more this year, I used to do lots (and lots) before the walking took over. I went out today (optimistically) with my shades on - I must have got at least 100 metres before it started to rain and another 100m before it started to hail. Just a shower? No, it was a 'shower' of biblical proportions but obviously it was too late to turn back now!

25 miles later it was still raining until I pulled up at our house when the sun and blue sky appeared. I was abasolutely frozen and mud spattered but felt oddly good about the experience. Will it last? Only time will tell...



  1. How long did you need for 25 miles? You've started, you felt good afterwards despite the usual Lake District weather , so I bet it will not last long until you go on. Maybe you can train the dogs to follow the bike?

  2. Aha, so it was YOU! I noticed your tweet and was wondering which one of you 2 had a fit of energeticanism! I suppose that's one way of welcoming in the new month. ;)
